Science Olympiad's Fundraiser

Help Support the Franklin Science Olympiads
Need funding for competitions, supplies, and training.
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Help the Franklin Science Olympiad team compete in events and win! We are looking to expand this club so Franklin High School students have more opportunities to compete in STEM based events and learn!
Science Olympiad is among the nation's most prestigious and rigorous STEM competitions. At both the state and national levels, Science Olympiad teams compete in more than two dozen scientific and engineering challenges on topics ranging from human health, ecology, chemistry, cell biology, geology, and engineering.
Science Olympiad has twenty-three events ranging from a variety of scientific topics. There are five main categories: Life, Personal, and Social Science; Earth and Space Science; Physical Science and Chemistry; Technology and Engineering; and Inquiry and Nature of Science. There are two main types of events: test events, which require researching a given subject and taking a written and scored test, and build events, which require students to participate in more hands-on activities either prior to or on the day of the competition.
The events correlate with multiple classes offered at Franklin High School. For example, Anatomy and Physiology is an opportunity for students to study specific human body systems in more depth and corresponds with the classes of the same name. Chem Lab, Ecology, and Optics correspond to specific topics in AP Chemistry, Biology, and Physics. There are also events such as Fossils and Astronomy that are not offered at FHS, allowing students to discover new branches of science in which they may be interested.
These opportunities will benefit students throughout the high school since the club is open to everyone. Although a background in science classes corresponding with the events is helpful, there are no official requirements.
We will need funding for registration. The regional tournament costs $410 for two teams to participate. Invitational tournaments cost about $100 per team participating. We would also like funding for supplies. This includes materials such as wood, adhesives, and lab equipment. Ideally, we would like $300-$500 for supplies.