Boys Swim and Dive

Boys Swim and Dive's Fundraiser

 Support Franklin Boys Swim and Dive image

Support Franklin Boys Swim and Dive

Funding for training equipment and a new record board

We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!

$1,955 towards $2,500

Help us cheer on teammates Brendan Hajdasz and Max Hazlett as they model in the 2022 Educate in Style fashion show to help raise funding for Boys Swim and Dive team and the Franklin Educational Foundation. Your support of our efforts will help raise funding for equipment and a new record board and also the Franklin Educational Foundation with scholarships for seniors and grants for teachers.

You can donate on this page to help us reach our goal of $1000. No donation is too big or too small, anything helps! Half of what we raise will go to Boys Swim and Dive team and the other half to the Foundation...unless our club raises the most money which means we can keep 100% of the profits. Thank you for your support!

Just a small donation will go a long way to helping me meet my goal for Franklin Educational Foundation Inc