
Football's Fundraiser

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Help support Franklin Football

Funding needed for additional helmets and equipment for growing team!

We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!

$260 towards $500

One of the biggest reasons we are fundraising, is because we have been short helmets and shoulder pads. We would love to be able to have enough equipment for the all the kids who want to play!

Jacques Brooks and Kane Dahlstrom will be representing our Football team in this year's fashion show, and we'd love to have a strong representation!

You can donate on this page to help us reach our goal of $500. No donation is too big or too small, anything helps! Half of what we raise will go to football and the other half to the Foundation, unless we raise the most funds of all the groups and then Football gets to keep 100% of the profit. Thank you for your support!

Just a small donation will go a long way to helping me meet my goal for Franklin Educational Foundation Inc